Monday, March 21, 2011

Libya - Japan - and our Readiness to "Help"

Have you counted the number of nations sending their war machines to bomb Libya? Within two days of the UN Resolution there were at least eight of them. We, the US, of course in the lead. 125 Tomahawk missiles have been launched so far, at a cost of one million dollars each, to keep Ghaddafi's forces from 'killing' civilians. So we are killing to prevent killing. Makes great sense, does it? This is not genocide, where such an intervention would make sense and where we usually keep our eyes and forces averted until it is too late.

And what about the catastrophe in Japan? How many nations, ships and planes full of food and blankets and tents for half-a-million or more freezing and starving people without shelter are on the way? And written about? Zero, from what I can see. The 125 million or so dollars that went up in fire and smoke, destroying people and goods in Libya could have been sent the other way and done some good. NO? That makes too much sense for our "freedom"(= oil)loving and oh so moral leaders.

This morning I found an article by Pablo Ouziel on my favorite news site ( where he writes "The time has come to break our silence and judge them and their allies for crimes against humanity. Only when we have wiped clean the blood spilled in the name of our false morality, by confronting the crimes committed in our name, might we find ourselves in a position from which to ethically judge the crimes of the foreign petty dictators our leaders often called friends." My sentiments exactly!

Please read the whole article and others on that site. They are all eye-opening and not always hopeful, but they tell it as it is.

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